RosenRaps: Tess

Tess by Maria: May 1 2024

[copy edited]

M: what is it that you love about Rosendale?

T:  I live right on Main Street, so I love the community. I love the music. I love the

nature and just the feeling that people care about you when you’re walking down Main Street. 

M: Me too! If there’s something that you would miss, if it went away, what would that be? Does anything come to mind? 

T: Free Atlast. I think also Amy [Trompeter], I love the Redwing Blackbird Theater a lot. I love the activism that happens on Main Street. I think there’s an older community there and I feel I’m maybe one of like the youngest people on Main Street and I feel like that community is sort of like getting older and I don’t know. I guess I’m nervous that things will shift with a newer generation and not knowing the community.

M: Any favorite memories? What would you show somebody that is visiting from another place? What would be one of the first things you’d want to show someone?

T: I guess the trestle and Joppenburg. 

M: If you have any ideas for Rosendale, you know, if you ruled Rosendale, what would you want to do? 

T: I would love to have more kids activities. A dog park would be great. There’s a lot of dogs on Main Street and in Rosendale. I would love a bar and more restaurants, maybe a breakfast spot, good coffee, and more music. 

M: Is there anything else you’d want us to know?  

T: I absolutely adore Rosendale. I just feel really grateful that I get to live here and I’m excited for what will come of it, I guess. 

M: And how long have you lived in Rosendale? 

T: I’ve lived in Rosendale for two years now. Did I mention the walkability of Main Street with the trucks? I don’t know if anyone else has said that.

M:  Oh, the speeding trucks? That’s come up over and over again. That and the cheap bar.